Anime and Coding Daisuki

Aplikasi Instant Messaging HipChat di retas

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Baru baru ini ada kabar bahwa Aplikasi Instants Messaging HipChat telah di retas. HipChat Developer beserta Australian software maker Atlassian mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mendeteksi aktivitas yang mencurigakan pada komputer menggunakan layanan pesan HipChat. Atlassian lebih lanjut mengatakan bahwa penyerang telah memperoleh hak akses ke informasi-informasi costumer HipChat.
Craig Davies, Kepala Divisi Keamanan Atlassian mengatakan bahwa informasi yang telah terekspose oleh hacker tersebut kurang lebih sekitar 2% dari client termasuk nama, username, email dan password. Namun Craig tidak memberitahukan bagaimana hacker tersebut menyerang untuk mendapatkan hak akses masuk kedalam sistem HipChat, tetapi dia hanya megatakan bahwa tim keamanan HipChat telah berhasil memblokir gangguan tersebut secepat setelah diketahui tetapi tidak sebelum 2%  dari database user diretas. Berikut pernyataan resmi dari situs HipChat :
"Atlassian’s security team has discovered and blocked suspicious activity on the HipChat service that resulted in unauthorized access to names, usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords for a very small percentage (<2%) of our users. We have no evidence that any payment information was accessed.
While HipChat passwords are one-way encrypted (hashed and salted), as an added precaution we have triggered a password reset for all affected HipChat user accounts and all Atlassian services that share the same email address. If you have not received communication from us, we do not believe you were affected. However, you can easily change your password here. As a reminder, always avoid using simple passwords based on dictionary words and never use the same password on multiple sites or services. We take our responsibility to protect you and your data very seriously, and we’re constantly enhancing the security of our service infrastructure to keep you and your data safe. While recent events with other large services have demonstrated this type of activity is increasing, so too is our vigilance in blocking and addressing it. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at" 
yosh sekian berita dari Anime Coder kali ini minna :-)

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